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Role of Guru

Writer: hathavidyatchhathavidyatch

Updated: Oct 9, 2024

Students in schools study academic subjects taught by their respective teachers. The same goes for someone, who wants to acquire a new skill. However, these can be learned on their own too. Is this applicable to someone who is on the path to self-discovery? The simple answer is No. Individuals who want to pursue the spiritual path, indeed need guidance from a guru

Dangers of knowledge from external sources

Usually, we humans, as materialistic as we are, understand the world and gain knowledge through our senses. Our five senses, sabdha (sound), sparsha (touch), roopa (vision), rasa (taste) and gandha (smell) aid in getting access to knowledge. When we perceive a thing using different senses, and process the information gained through them, we understand our version of truth or knowledge. The information gained is often tinted with our preconceived notions, already inculcated values and knowledge, along with our thought patterns. This may not always be credible.  

Additionally, as we are living in the modern world of information bombardment, we are prone to receiving information from different sources. Along with conventional sources, we get access to information through various social media handles. The authenticity of the information and knowledge received from such sources is doubtful, which further impacts our thoughts and actions and creates problems.  

Similarly, in the yoga path, when we try to understand and pursue spiritual sadhana based on our limited knowledge gained through our senses, we may not grasp reality but rather misinterpret it. We may assume things using our knowledge and intellect that turn out to be completely wrong. Spiritual sadhana begins by showing the limitations of the senses and the knowledge gained through them. Such knowledge is incomplete and very far from reality. 

The real knowledge we gain by traversing the spiritual path through sadhana is beyond the senses. Here, the extroverted senses are first internalized, and then, without relying on them, the individual realizes the truth.

guru teaching their students

The helping hand of a Guru

Unlike worldly businesses, sadhana requires the help of a guru, who can shed light on the darkness that shrouds the practitioners and prevents them from reaching the truth. 

Only real experience can make one understand the difficulties faced during spiritual sadhana. A guru who has himself followed the path can better guide his disciples. He can analyze practitioners' goals, physical, emotional, and social conditions, and poorva samskaras to guide accordingly.  

To follow the spiritual path and find the eternal truth, our senses and our egos prevent us. We have a veil within us separating us from the truth. To overcome that, we need external help, and a guru is the one who could enlighten us and take us down the right path.



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