Prasarita Padahastasana is a highly beneficial yoga pose. Though the name is lengthy, the pose is quite easy. Prasarita in Sanskrit means wide-legged; Pada means feet; and Hasta means hands. Hence, this asana is basically about widening the two legs and reaching the legs with the hands.
Let us now understand the step-by-step process to do this asana.

How to do Prasarita Padahastasana Yoga?
Easy steps are mentioned below to practice this posture:
Stand tall and erect, and keep your feet as far as possible. Remember to point your toes forward while bending a bit inward.
Place both your hands on the respective sides of your hips, with your thumb directing inwards. Breathe in to widen your rib cage, elongate the spine, and then arch back.
Breathe out while bending the body forward at the hips and placing your hands at the ankles.
Now, try to place the crown of your head between the legs.
Maintain the final pose comfortably for as long as possible.
Inhale and come back to the original position by raising your torso.
Benefits of Prasarita Padahastasana
This yoga posture comes with several physical and mental benefits. These include:
Provides flexibility: This asana stretches the muscles at the hips, hamstrings, and inner thighs, increasing flexibility and range of motion.
Induces relaxation and relieves stress: Bending forward during the asana helps relieve tension and strain in the upper body area, including the neck and shoulders, providing relaxation.
Improves digestion: The abdomen is pressed while performing this asana, improving digestion and helping with constipation.
Enhances blood flow: Movement improves the circulation of blood to the lower parts of the body, including the legs, hips, and abdomen.
Increases focus and awareness: Concentrated movement and mindful breathing help bring awareness and focus.
Strengthens the muscles of the legs and glute: As muscles of the legs and glute are involved in posture, regular practice aids in strengthening them.
Contradictions: Who should avoid Prasarita Padahastasana?
Prasarita Padahastasana can be extremely beneficial for many people, but it can be potentially dangerous for some. Individuals with the below given health conditions should avoid the pose.
High blood pressure
Lower back injuries
Herniated disc
Prasarita Padahastasana is a wonderful yoga posture that provides relaxation, flexibility, strength, and concentration. However, always practice this asana with an experienced teacher until you learn it properly. Don’t overwhelm yourself with the practice. Know your body and practice accordingly.