Shatkarmas are six purification processes in yoga to cleanse the body and prepare the individual for higher practices of yoga. These techniques not only cleanse the body but also the mind and aid in the spiritual journey.
These cleansing practices remove impurities from body channels and ease the flow of the vital energy Prana through the whole body, creating harmony between Ida and Pingala, thus balancing both body and mind.

The different Shatkarmas are:
What is Dhauti?
Dhauti means internal cleansing. This kriya intends to cleanse the internal organs by removing toxins and undigested food particles. This practice provides the practitioner with control over peristaltic and antiperistaltic movements, which are involuntary.
Different types of Dhauti
Gheranda Samhita mentions four types of Dhauti Kriyas.
Antara Dhauti
Danta Dhauti
Hrida Dhauti
Mula shodhana
Let’s have a detailed look at them.
Antara Dhauti
Antara Dhauti is related to the purification of the digestive system. It is divided into four. These are Vatasara, Varisara, Agnisara, and Bahishkrita Dhauti.
Vatasara Dhauti: This is done by sucking in the air and expanding the stomach. After holding it as long as possible, the air is expelled through the intestine. An inverted asana is practiced for the smooth flow of air.
Varisara Dhauti: Warm, salty water is consumed by the individual to clean the gut. Particular asanas are practiced to allow a smooth water flow.
Agnisara Dhauti: Abdominal muscles are used to stir the abdomen to increase the gastric fire. This is also known as Vahnisara Dhauti.
Bahiskrita Dhauti: This is performed by placing the rectum inside out and washing it while standing waist-deep in water.
Danta Dhauti
Danta Dhauti is related to dental cleansing. This includes the purification of the upper part of the throat and associated organs. It is classified into four. These are Dantamula, Jihvamula, Karnayugma, and Kapalarandhra Dhauti.
Dantamula Dhauti: Extract of acacia catechu or pure clay is used to massage gums, and teeth roots are cleaned.
Jihvamula: Jihvasodhana is cleansing the root of the tongue by scraping it to remove impurities. Jihva, or tongue, is later massaged using butter and milk. This kriya prepares one for Kechari mudra.
Karnayugma Dhauti: As the name suggests, this cleanses the ears, enabling one to listen to not only external but internal sounds as one reaches higher levels of consciousness.
Kapalarandhra: This cleanses the rear end of the soft palate on the roof of the mouth. This improves eyesight and cleanses the nadis.
Hrid Dhauti
Hrid Dhauti, which is practiced for chest cleansing, is classified into Danda, Vamana, and Vastra Dhauti.
Danda Dhauti: This is performed using a long, soft stick made from banana stalk, turmeric, or cane. It is guided into the gullet and slowly taken out. This is beneficial against diseases related to the gullet and stomach.
Vamana Dhauti: In this type of Dhauti, one has to gulp down salty water, and the back of the throat is tickled to make one vomit.
Vastra Dhauti: A long strip of cloth is swallowed, allowed to stay in the stomach for some time, and then taken out. This intends to clean the esophagus and stomach area. The length of the cloth may vary.
Though Dhauti Kriyas are extremely beneficial in cleansing the digestive system, they should only be practiced under the guidance of expert practitioners.